Operation of a Vacuum Reflow Oven
In this presentation BTU's Fred Dimock explains the operation and configuration of an inline vacuum reflow oven. Included in this presentation is the preliminary voiding data generated when the Pyramax Vacuum reflow oven was at Universal's Advanced Process lab.
Learn more about vacuum reflow
Vacuum reflow, the science of using nothing to remove empty spaces from something
Get a complete overview of vacuum reflow including the equipment and process considerations. In addition, the results of the process study conducted at the Advanced Process lab are detailed. The void reduction study includes the data from over 200 board runs with multiple solder paste formulations, multiple board finishes, two pad designs and various vacuum levels and hold times.
- Voids
- Why are they a concern?
- Why do they form
- Why inline Vacuum Reflow?
- The Inline Vacuum Reflow Oven
- The Vacuum Reflow Cycle?
- The four basic process steps
- The Vacuum Trial
- The test vehicle
- Preliminary results from an extended trial at the Universal Advanced Process Lab
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